Friday, November 29, 2013

Im Backkkk! :)

So I made this blog with intentions of at least blogging 3 times a week and then within a week of starting it I found myself in a severe crohns attack combined with a brand new job that I had been wanting! between the attack and trying to get use to a highly physically demanding job I have been worn out to where when I am home all I have done is sleep which sucks. In this time I have had alot go on I had gone in with a new dr for a colonoscopy which it turned out after wasting time money and gas that he not only didnt know anything about crohns but he didnt even preform it right only going in a few inches. I have been working a job I love despite some faults that I hope will soon be taken care of on there end. And a couple holidays have passed halloween/ thing 1's birthday, and most recent thanksgiving ( well kind of we have hubs familys dinner tomorrow). It stands to reason that my life is crazy but I love it and would hope that when I am older I can look back with wonderful memories. With all that being said This damn blog has been on my mind for weeks now and I need to get back on the saddle so to speak and keep up on it! I hope everyone have a wonderful thanksgiving I will be updating and adding more blogs asap!

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