Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Squat/crunch challenge!!!

First off people I am in no way shape or form a fitness freak but i do however feel like regaining my pre-baby body! after 3 pregnancy back to back I feel drab and i look like a old bag lady or atleast that is the way I feel! I have crohns so working out is more difficult becasue there are days I am in too much pain to move let alone get up and work out. but i am wanting this and I know I have the will power to reach my goal. but if my crohns happens to flare bad and i miss a day i will make it up working harder the next!

I have desided that instead of just a normal work out I will include two challanges just to give myself something more to think about kind of a mental step up i want to breeze though squats and crunches at the end of 30 days, as well as start losing some of the baby fat. i plan on doing a weekly update on this so you can follow the progress. I think that this will help keep me motivated doing it in such a public form!!! ok so here it goes , here are my meaurments taken just moments before writing this out. 
waist: 36 inches
hips:36 inches
thigh:19 inches
bust: 37 inches
upper arm 11 1/2

and lastly here are my before pictures please do not be harsh these are mearly added so you can see the progress .

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