Tuesday, October 15, 2013


hey everyone! let me guess the title got you didnt it lmao. bu bu but its true i love nuts we recently began doing a long missouri tradition of collecting nuts like this time everyone people gather up hop in there trucks and go on the hunt for black walnut trees. It is suprisingly fun and when your looking for them you realize you have been around them everywhere you go without even noticing. the kids all have been in this little adventure with us and they have enjoyed them selfs just as much as us!! its been a couple days and we have filled a trailer not much for an expert nut collector. but that is just fine for us. we have found them all over on ditches in peoples yard with permission of the land owner all over. but it doesnt stop there. we found hickory nuts and hazelnut as well i am excited to see what i can make out of these!!!
this top pic is a few of the hickory nuts we got

thing one and thing two are amazing little helpers they adored it

just a small amount we actully have now this was before we went out today

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