Friday, October 11, 2013

Random kitty time

ok so I have a cat really he has us he rules over all us humans like he is our master he came into our family years ago and never left and now he has moved from my parents house to mine and he thinks he is tough shit!!

 next is shinobi she is a mousing ninja who also thinks every kitten is hers she is m.i.a she ran off and got herself pregnant and is rarely seen, cant catch her she is far to fast!

 demon dont let his cute little face fool you he is evil and loved using those razor claws but ohhh soo cute he is currently living it up in the city

  the little kitty with shinobi was a dumped kitty saved but she passed within days again shinobi thought it was her kitten at this point she had yet to have her own kittens
ohh lookie a raccoon please dont preach this was someone pet and they happen to let me give this cute little guy some cuddles and take some pics I love fur babies and he stole my heart!!

now that I got my animal picture in lmao I am maybe calling it a night who know maybe another review!

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