Friday, January 3, 2014

crohns and diet

we all wondering what diet is right for us and we all try those premade diets that people swear will cure crohns and make us all better. But in reality everyones body is diffrent, we all have diffrent food triggers for our crohns and we all go through wondering at times what will help me, and what will hurt me. After trying and failing many of times I have come to realize its not about finding that diet out there right for me it is finding my own way finding what foods are good for my own body and using that to create my own diet. Remember you are unique and so is your body.

-Start slow if you know what causes your crohns to flare up then avoid it. never think one time wont hurt me because it will. We all have weak moments dont get mad at yourself over them we are after all only human.

-introduce new foods one at a time

- keep a food diary to keep track of your eating habits so you can better figure out your food triggers

- make your own food plan

I know personally that anything, spicy, sour, high fiber, hard to digest, most veggie, whole grains , and nuts are bad for me I do what I can to avoid


   - drink plenty of water

   - go liquid, it gives your body a chance to heal up and gives your intestines a break from digesting solid foods

   -  rest and plenty of it your body needs it


 take it slow your body is healing up from a flare becareful about jumping back in to eating just yet

  - start with soft foods think the brat diet!

  - dont worry if you give in to the temptation of real food

We all have those moments we just cant help but eat something we know we shouldnt its ok dont beat yourself up we are constantly learning about our bodys with crohns

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