Thursday, December 26, 2013


YES thats right im talking about the overly hallmarked holiday known as christmas. No im not a grinch I just dont really car for it. I dont get all the fuss over it at all. With that being said I made sure my children had a wonderful christmas even thought sunday ours is finally over i get a few days break from it . sunday we did ours here and the kids were in love they got soo many new toys " i.e feet killers" and they were set not even realizing that on christmas they were going to grandmas house! my dad got in this week and got to enjoy christmas with us all. i love the kids but i dont love how many new toys are all over our place becasue they cant deside on what they should play with. christmas day they were soo happy waking up to me and daddy telling telling them come on we gotta go to grandmas. Thats the key word grandmas and they hop to it. they enjoy going over there but throw fits when it is time to leave! we got there right as they puled back in perfect timing for little ones who cant resist opening whats under the tree!! bad grandma bought thins two makeup!! yes play makeup but I had been dreading her getting any of it. she is a messy child already that just helps it along faster!! but all in all they are good gifts that they all love! hubs still not use to holidays at my parents is thrilled to get one gift with his name on it!! he was soo happy with all his gifts they got him things he would have picked out himself. Now here I sit today with 3 monsters playing with everything in site. Little balls of energy when I can barely keep my eyes open! I want/need sleep but they wont budge they have desided that they can still go strong!!!! Now ive got to get back to my childrens endless questions and the smell of dirty diapers cause there is always one going poop!!! hope everyone had a wonderful christmas!!!

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