Friday, January 3, 2014

crohns and diet

we all wondering what diet is right for us and we all try those premade diets that people swear will cure crohns and make us all better. But in reality everyones body is diffrent, we all have diffrent food triggers for our crohns and we all go through wondering at times what will help me, and what will hurt me. After trying and failing many of times I have come to realize its not about finding that diet out there right for me it is finding my own way finding what foods are good for my own body and using that to create my own diet. Remember you are unique and so is your body.

-Start slow if you know what causes your crohns to flare up then avoid it. never think one time wont hurt me because it will. We all have weak moments dont get mad at yourself over them we are after all only human.

-introduce new foods one at a time

- keep a food diary to keep track of your eating habits so you can better figure out your food triggers

- make your own food plan

I know personally that anything, spicy, sour, high fiber, hard to digest, most veggie, whole grains , and nuts are bad for me I do what I can to avoid


   - drink plenty of water

   - go liquid, it gives your body a chance to heal up and gives your intestines a break from digesting solid foods

   -  rest and plenty of it your body needs it


 take it slow your body is healing up from a flare becareful about jumping back in to eating just yet

  - start with soft foods think the brat diet!

  - dont worry if you give in to the temptation of real food

We all have those moments we just cant help but eat something we know we shouldnt its ok dont beat yourself up we are constantly learning about our bodys with crohns

are you there ashaley, It's me your colon

Well we all go through it , most of the time without warning all of a sudden the pain hits then sweats your heart is racing you are rushing to go find the closest bathroom hoping if in public that no one will be in there. Your hurting its coming and you can not stop it. There is fear anger worry and nothing you can do but hope you make it there in time. Its shameful and you feel less of a human for it. But it happens to all of us crohnies. That sudden urge to go that you can not hold back. No matter what you do how you eat, rest, take your meds whatever you may do to help your crohns we all get those gotta go moments. As I am writing this I am currently in my bathroom which I had got up and rushed to as if i were a trained running jumping over some toys and by passing my son asking if I was ok to get the relief of sitting down and letting out a sigh knowing I made it in time! Most of us hide this we try to stay home s much as we can and avoid all things public ( just in case ). It is a matter of life with crohns no matter what you do at times it will happen. That is a point that we all must realize and eventully get past in time. I can recall countless times ive been in public or at someones house trying to avoid it and hoping no one would notice what was going on. Ive gotten rude remarks in public from strangers in a bathroom who had no idea I had crohns and that nasty smell I couldnt help or avoid. Its not a part of my life like it or not it is a part of me. for awhile i tried to figure out a way to stop it. even more than public I hated waking up half asleep in the midle of the night trying to make it to the bathroom. but then again my bathroom is my friend I can sit in there as long as I want I have my books and magazines. I have read every label in there on all the products that are even close to the pot. it doesnt matter if im in there 5 minutes or 5 hours. It is my safe place and I can have a little piece of serenity even it if is just a bathroom to most. to me it is freedom not to worry about how it smells how long im in ect. if anyone in my home has a problem with it oh well. well all need that. the one safe bathroom that we dont have to worry about being in. we all panic but in that panic we dont realize that theres little to do when it happens just go with it. Crohns is now a part of you and like it or not it is staying. I still get scared walking into a public bathroom but find humor when people rush out or make comments about the smell and or sounds.

soo what to do:
1. dont worry so much you can not help whats going on and some people wont understand dont worry about those people they dont matter

2.  do not harm yourself by trying to keep it in. or not eat because your afraid of going poop.

3. at home keep nice soft paper and wet wipes in your bathroom pamper your bottom after all it goes through alot

4. try breathing your way through the pain and panic attacks

5.  find your safe bathroom

Remeber when upset, alone depressed you are not alone! look for a support group, find a fellow crohnie online. go to fb blogs websites anything to ease your mind. Togather we are strong!

Thursday, January 2, 2014


ok soo a couple nights ago I wake up with a feeling of a severe sinus infection. for most it isnt a big deal I knew otherwise i went and took some meds. sat in the hot shower hoping the steam would help but the pain was already unbearable. I was puking and couldnt even keep a sip of water down. this started at 3 am. skip to 5am, i am losing vision in my right eye and know I need to seek medical attention asap. so I woke up hubs who insisted I try to do what I can before going to the er, and let him know I couldnt wait anymore I needed to go now! so we loaded up the kids and he drove me to the closest one. I was taken back fast but he wasnt allowed back apparently the kids are not allowed in the er which is bs they would have been fine. the whole 30 minutes im back there he is freaking out asking about me and wanting to go back and see if im alright. ok before I go any further let me say I have a horrible immune system and with a normal immune system it would be such a freak out from either of us he usally has to drag me in screaming to the er. so i see the nurse then the dr comes in and lets me know he will not treat me because im pregnant. which please please keep yourself in the loop with the laws he refused to treat me which he can not do and told me to go home take some meds and rest. not happening after walking out barely able to see out of my right eye I throw the discharge papers and hubs and start cryin. I knew i needed help and was upset because i know how bad they get with me. so another 30 minute drive he called into work and we headed to the next er which had me in right away with 3 nurses no not cnt or cna but nurses who got me set up checked me out and within 15 minutes of being there the dr had came in and a i.v had been started he talked to me all of 5 minutes heard me tell him I had been through it before everytime i get a sinus infection got my history and got me set up within an hour i was on my way out of the door scripts in hand ready to go home and rest. this hospital and staff were amazing they didnt rush me along I kinda rushed them and they went with it they heard what I was saying and did what they could to help. the nurse herself even went and personally made hubs a cup of coffee. really a nurse she wasnt barking orders at the cnt to go do it. they were kind they did there job correctly. they let me rant about hospital a. and even were kind enough to keep checking on me during the iv. i wasnt treated like I didnt matter in fact this is the first hospital I was treated with soo much respect! I have been to way too many bad hospitals and this one blew me away I go see my o.b there but have never gone to there er it was the best by far